Dave Robson
Associate Director - Commercial (West Africa)

What do you do day to day?

I have commercial responsibility for Ambrey’s International business which predominantly focusses on our West Africa market and any special projects. This means ensuring the team and the company are operating profitably, and, more importantly, sustainably whilst meeting and exceeding our contractual obligations to clients we service in these high risk areas.

What do you enjoy most?

The fact that it really is “live and breathe” role in a really dynamic and responsive company means there is never a dull or boring moment. That really drives me and certainly means we never get bored – there is never any clock watching for home time and we have a really talented team to be part of.

What makes you good at it?

My career has always been in commercial roles so I have over 20 years of experience in front line commercial and client management – I was one of the few non ex-military members of Ambrey back in 2013. This really does provide a strong platform for me and our business when engaging with our clients who are operating in some really hostile environments. Aside from this, I love meeting and talking to new people, connecting with and understanding them and their businesses, so this really an ideal role for me.

What is the biggest challenge?

Just one? That’s tough, but then I guess if it were easy, everyone would be doing it. I guess it would be that operating in some really hostile environments means a plan rarely stays a plan for long. We’re fortunate that our economy of scale affords us to contingency plan with relative ease, but with so many moving parts this is where our dynamism really kicks in. The best analogy I have heard is “It’s like putting together a jigsaw with the picture constantly changing” – this summarises beautifully.

What’s your business motto?

People don’t buy what you do, people buy how you do it!


T: +44 20 3503 0979